Monthly Archives: August 2010

Web installer for the Installer Maker Plug-in

Economy-x-Talk has created a web version of the Installer Maker Plug-in installer. To install the plug-in, all you need to do is download a 60K stack and open it in Revolution. This stack can be downloaded here.

Use the Installer Maker Plug-in to wrap your Revolution standalones in an installer for Windows (XP, Vista, 7) and Mac OS X (10.3 and later). This installer maker provides several additional options and features, including multiple languages and an uninstaller.


Wrapping a standalone in an installer is just a matter of minutes. There are also special options available, which allow you to include a Read Me file, to start your programme automatically after installation and more.
Note that you can use the Installer Maker Plug-in for RunRev standalones, but also for any other software.

The Economy-x-Talk home page contains tutorials and additional information. Contact us if you have any questions.

Speakable Password Generator

Here’s a script, which I just posted to the Revolution forum. I post it on my blog, because I like the script and it might be useful to many people. It should also be simple to translate this to PHP for instance.

This script generates passwords with length theLength, choosing consonents and vowels semi-randomly such as to keep the password speakable. This function allows for double consonants while still keeping the password speakable.


function speakablePassword theLength
     put “bcdfghjklmnprstwyz” into myConsonants
     put “aeiou” into myVowels
     put “” into myPass
     repeat myPasswordLength
          if char -1 of myPass is in myConsonants then
               if char -2 of myPass is in myConsonants or
                  length(myPass = 9) then
                    put any char of myVowels after myPass
                    if any item of “true,false” then
                         put any char of myVowels after myPass
                         put any char of myConsonants after myPass
                    end if
               end if
               put any char of myConsonants after myPass
          end if
     end repeat
     return myPass
end speakablePassword

How to set up shortcuts with the Installer Maker Plugin for Runtime Revolution?

A few days ago, Economy-x-Talk’s support department received a question about creating shortcuts with the Installer Maker Plugin for Runtime Revolution. More specifically, a user of the plug-in asked how to set up the installer as to create shortcuts in the start menu and on the desktop. Here’s the answer.

To add shortcuts to the Start menu on Windows, follow the following steps after you have added all necessary files:
1) go to the Special section
2) select the Start Menu tab button on the Special section
3) drag any file (e.g. the main executable file) from the list on the left into the list on the right

If you want to have a shortcut on the desktop, follow the following steps.
1) go to the Special section
2) select the Aliases tab on the Special section
3) drag a file (e.g. the main executable) from the list on the left into the top field on the right
4) make sure that the file in the top field is selected (hilighted)
5) now choose Desktop from the option menu button in the middle of the window, next to the Set button
6) you can leave the field below the option menu button empty and press the Set button

With these settings the installer will create shortcuts inside a folder in the Start menu as well as on the desktop.

Download the Installer Maker plugin for Runtime Revolution here

From 15th August, we’ll have time for new projects! Be the first in line and contact me now!