Monthly Archives: July 2013

Book ‘Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner’ Is Available Again!

The first print of the book “Programming LiveCode…” sold out in just over a month. Everybody who took an interest in the book was asked to do the survey at (which you can still fill out if you want) and that made it clear that we are doing things pretty much the right way. So, we’ve decided to print more books, after making a few small corrections.

Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner, by Mark Schonewille

Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner, by Mark Schonewille. Front and back sides of the book. ISBN not confirmed yet.

I haven’t changed much because I want teachers and students to be able to use the two prints next to each other. Nonetheless, I went through my book once more and corrected a few dozens of small typos. Where possible, I improved any confusing phrases. You can find the most important changes at . I’ll be extending the list of errata during the next few weeks.

Besides corrections, the new print has a slightly heavier soft cover and a better index. If you still have any comments or questions while reading the book, you can post them on our Q&A site at .

An important change, partly due to the survey results, is the minimum order size that qualifies as a bulk order. From now on, if you order at least 10 books, you may qualify for a big discount (this used to be 25 books). Contact me off-list for more information.

If you bought the book recently, we’ll be shipping it within a few days. Books purchased after today will be shipped within 2 weeks. DHL needs at most 3 weeks to deliver the package, while you should normally get it within 1 week after we ship it.

More info about the book can be found at

LiveCode Meeting in Breda, the Netherlands

On 20st July 2013, eHUG organised a meeting of LiveCode users in Breda, the Netherlands. This was the second meeting dedicated to LiveCode, one year after the first meeting. There were 10 participants from Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland. We had a good time, drinking coffee and juice, and eating Swiss chocolates.


Karin, an IT pro who is just starting with LiveCode, showed her one of the first iOS apps she made. Clicking on the body parts in a diagram of a human body, one gets access to information from a SQLite database. By Marc’s request, Jan showed Marco two ways to animate the sliding in and out of panels on iOS. Following up on Jan, Björnke demonstrated sliding groups in BvG Docu. John showed a game, which is used to teach accounting to students. We also discussed some problems, which he encountered while working with MySQL in connection to the game.


All other participants told us about the way they use LiveCode and we had long chats about scripting problems and possible solutions. The question that always comes back is: how many use LiveCode. Conclusion: wo don’t know. Perhaps there are up to 3500 commercial license holders. We didn’t have enough time to do everything we planned for. Next time, we’ll still have plenty to talk about.SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA

We also raflled off a copy of the TopXNotes software and the eBook Take Control of Mountain Lion, written by Matt Neuburg.

eHUG Organizes LiveCode Meeting in the Netherlands

Beste allemaal,

Aanstaande zaterdag 20 juli van 12:00h. tot ongeveer 16:00h. houden we een LiveCode-bijeenkomst. Deze bijeenkomst wordt gehouden in Breda. Het adres is:

Coffee & Cream
Willemstraat 18
4811 AL Breda

We kunnen gebruik maken van een grote tafel en ons is toegezegd dat het er rustig zal zijn (al is dat natuurlijk enigszins relatief). Coffee & Cream zit vlak bij het station in het centrum van Breda. Dit is een linkje naar Google Maps. Er is WIFI in de zaak en er zijn 1 of 2 stopcontacten. Ik raad je echter wel aan om te zorgen dat de batterij van je laptop is opgeladen, mocht je die mee willen nemen.

We verwachten ongeveer 10 deelnemers uit drie verschillende landen. Er zullen drie of vier korte presentaties worden gehouden. Tot de onderwerpen zullen waarschijnlijk behoren: MetaCard in het technisch onderwijs; een spel om te leren boekhouden; een overzichtje van een aantal kleinere projecten; en GUI-ontwerp voor iOS. Er zal zaterdag ook tijd zijn om gewoon vragen te stellen.

Er zal een e-book uit de Take Control serie worden verloot. De titel van het boek is Take Control Of Using Mountain Lion, geschreven door Matt Neuburg. Ook zal het softwarepakket TopXNotes worden verloot.

Er zijn nog twee exemplaren van de eerste druk van het boek Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner beschikbaar. Deze kunnen ter plekke worden aangeschaft voor 25 euro i.p.v. 32 euro. Je kunt ook nog 2 weken wachten en een exemplaar van de tweede druk bestellen voor 32 euro.

Als je nog vragen hebt, dan kun je per e-mail of telefoon contact met me opnemen.

Nog even een paar nuttige links.
Nederlands LiveCode forum:
eHUG op Facebook:
LiveCode gebruikers op Facebook:
Mijn Twitter account:

Dear all,

This Saturday, 20 July, from 12:00 until approximately 16:00PM, we will have our LiveCode meeting. The meeting is in Breda. The address is:

Coffee & Cream
Willemstraat 18
4811 AL Breda

We can use a big table we have been promised a relatively quiet place. Coffee & Cream is close to the railway station in the city centre. Here’s a link to Google Maps. WIFI is available and there are 1 or 2 power outlets. However, it is recommended to make sure that the battery of your laptop is fully charged if you decided to take your laptop with you.

We expect approximately 10 participants from three different countries. there will be three or four brief presentations. Possible subjects are: Metacard in technical education; a game to learn accounting; an overview of a number of smaller projects; and GUI design for iOS. You will also get an opportunity to ask questions.

A book from the Take Control series will be raffled off. The title of the book is Take Control of Using Mountain Lion, written by Matt Neuburg. Additionally, we will raffle off a copy of the TopXNotes software.

Currently, two copies of the first print of the book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner still remain. These can be purchased on location for 25 euro instead of 32 euro. Alternatively, you can wait 2 weeks and order a copy of the second print for 32 euro.

If you have any more questions, you can contact me by e-mail or phone.

Following are a few useful links.
Dutch LiveCode forum:
eHUG on Facebook:
LiveCode users on Facebook:
My Twitter account:

Liebe Leute,

An diesem Samstag gibt es das LiveCode-Treffen. Dieses Treffen findet statt in Breda ab 12:00U. bis ungefähr 16:00U. Die Adresse ist:

Coffee & Cream
Willemstraat 18
4811 AL Breda

Wir dürfen einen grossen Tisch in der Mitte benutzen und man hat versprochen dass es relativ ruhig sein wird. Coffee & Cream befindet sich in der Nähe des Bahnhofs in der Stadtmitte. Dieser Link auf Google Maps zeigt die genaue Stelle. Es gibt WIFI und es gibt 1 oder 2 Steckdosen. Ich möchte dir jedoch empfehlen den Akku deines Laptops voll zu laden wenn du es mitnehmen möchtest.

Wir erwarten ungefähr 10 Teilnehmer aus 3 unterschiedlichen Ländern. Es wird drei oder vier Präsentation geben. Zu den möglichen Themen gehören: MetaCard im technischen Unterricht; ein Spiel das hilft beim lernen der Buchhaltung; ein übersicht mehrerer kleinen Projekte; und GUI-Entwurf für iOS. Es wird auch eine Möglichkeit geben Fragen zu stellen.

Ein E-Book aus der Take Control Serie wird verlost. Der Titel ist Take Control of Using Mounting Lion, geschrieben von Matt Neuburg. Ausserdem wird die Software TopXNotes verlost.

Es gibt noch 2 Exemplare des ersten Drucks de Buches Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner. Diese kann man vor Ort erwerben für 25 Euro. Die Alternative ist noch 2 Wochen zu warten und für 32 Euro ein Exemplar des zweiten Drucks zu bestellen.

Wenn du mich noch was zu fragen hat, kannst du dich per E-Mail oder per Telefon mit mir in Verbindung setzen.

Folgen noch einige nützlichen Links.
Niederländisches LiveCode forum:
eHUG auf Facebook:
LiveCode Nutzer auf Facebook:
Mein Twitter-Konto: