Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Book “Programming LiveCode…” on the World Map

Where do we sell the book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner? You can see it in this map. Bright red means highest sales, bright blue means lowest sales and white means that no data are available.

wereldkaart ingevuldThis map might also indicate where LiveCode is the most popular. Don’t be fooled by the red colour all over North America: The US and Canada are good for approximately half of all sales together, while Europe accounts for almost all of the remaining 50% and all other countries for approximately 5%.

We believe this doesn’t only give some insight into the requirements of our own marketing strategy, but probably also RunRev’s lack thereof. Especially in South America, there is a big market yet to be developed.

New Sales Channels for Programming Livecode Book

In a few days, we will be shipping copies of my book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner again. If you don’t want to wait long, this is the time to order your copy. If you order it now, We’ll be shipping it in a few days and you’ll get it within 10 days (depending on your location). Go to for more info.

We have added TrialPay as a payment option. This means that you can pay with credit card again, without having to use PayPal. If available, you can order an alternate product and receive the book for free or you choose the “rather pay” option and pay for the book. (Currently, TP is unavailable in some countries; we try to fix this). If you’re in the Euro zone, you might want to do a bank transfer.

Another new sales channel is Although this is a Dutch website, they ship all over the world. Currently, this is the best option if you are in the Netherlands and want to use iDeal. (If you are in a different country, you can use PayPal). If you click on this link you will go directly to the display page for my book in the Lezerspunt store. A picture of the website follows below.


Impression of

Impression of

After ordering your book, make sure to keep an eye on your mail box (and possibly spam box). We will send you an e-mail, asking you to confirm your postal address. If you don’t confirm your address, we can’t send you your book. Please, make sure that PayPal, TrialPay and your credit card company have your correct e-mail address, phone number and postal address. They will forward this information to Economy-x-Talk and if any information is incorreect, your book may not arrive.

I know that many people are currently studying the book. If you have any questions, you can ask at where you can also discuss subjects with fellow “students” and if you’re lucky I’ll answer your questions myself.