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Analyse you spam and firewall logs

Thank you for your interest in Adminalyser. This tool allows you to analyse virtually every text-formatted admin log file. This application counts the domain names, IP-numbers and e-mail addresses in your log file and, among other things, tells you:
  • the address (domain, IP-address or e-mail) used by the worst spammer or hacker
  • the amount of attacks conducted by the worst N spammers and hackers as a percentage of the total amount of attacks
  • information about individual DNS entries.
The current version is Adminalyser 1.0. With the knowledge Adminalyser derives from your spam and firewall logs, you can set up your e-mail servers and firewalls in such a way as to reject improper connections more effectively.

Adminalyser works with the following operating systems: MacOS 8 up to and including 9, MacOS X, Windows XP, and Linux. For each operating system, you need to download the appropriate version.

With the final release of Adminalyser 1.0, the software also works on 68K Macs. You will have to download the fat version to use Adminalyser with MacOS 8 on a 68K Mac.

This application works on any computer with at least 32MB built-in memory and 3MB free hard disk space, provided the operating system as stated above. Actual memory requirements depend on the size of the log files being analysed.
The following table shows software packages Adminalyser is known to be compatible with.

*) We are working on improving compatibility with these firewalls. No rights can be derived from this table.
Software TitleOperating SystemCompatible
Norton Personal Firewall 1.0MacOS 8 and 9Yes
Shorewall 1.4.8LinuxYes
WinRouteWindows 2000No*
SpamXMac OS XYes
SpamXWindows XPYes

If your anti-spam or firewall software is not mentioned in the table, contact us. We will gladly do a compatibility check for you.

Quick Start

To start your analysis, choose Import... from the File menu. You may open any file you want, but if the format of the file is not plain text, addresses may not be found.

After importing the file, the application will take some time to analyze the file. The result is displayed in the Data window. On top of the list, you will see the addresses of the worst attackers.

To see the amount of attempts to make a connection by originating address in a graph, choose one of the Line graphs from the Analysis menu. All three graphs will tell you that a very small number of individuals is responsible for a huge amount of traffic.

The Cumulative 10% or 1% Classes graphs show by which amount attempts to connect will be reduced once the first 10% or 1% of the addresses have been blocked.

Use the WhoIs feature to retrieve additional information about an IP address.

Download Adminalyser

Below, you can download Adminalyser. There are four different versions, for MacOS PPC (Classic), MacOS X, Windows XP and Linux.
Operating SystemDownload
MacOS X.sit
MacOS 9.sit
Unregistered copies of Adminalyser import only the first 100 addresses. As soon as the 100th address has been found, the analysis is stopped. This allows you to explore the software, but you may not draw any conclusions from the results. Visit the Adminalyser homepage to buy a license. Registered users get access to all features of the software. Make sure to read the license conditions before buying or using the software.

You can use the button below to visit the PayPal website and make your payment.

Adminalyser license

You don't need to have a PayPal account, as you can use your credit card. Once you have paid, we will send you your license as soon as possible. Usually, you will receive your license within 24 hours. Contact us if you encounter problems.

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