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Don't use an iCloud e-mail address (,, to contact us, because you will be unable to receive our reply. If you don't receive an automatic confirmation of your message within 24 hours, you are unable to receive our e-mails and you should use a different e-mail address with a different domain name, (from a different server with a different IP address), to contact us.Currently, the contact form may not work. Feel free to send an e-mail to . We always appreciate to receive a message from you. Whether it is feedback regarding our products, a comment on our website, or a request for help, we are very eager to know about it.
Are you still waiting to hear from us after 3 days? Check your spam box and make sure that spam is never deleted automatically. You may need to whitelist all e-mails coming from the domain explicitly. Ask your e-mail provider or ISP how to do this. Particularly if you're using Gmail, Googlemail or Yahoo, it is probably a problem with your spam filters.
Note that you are responsible for being able to receive our messages. You don't get your money back because of it, but if you contact us from a different e-mail address, not subject to spam filters, we'll make sure that you get your license.
Economy-x-Talk on Twitter
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Use Skype to contact us
Please, limit your chat or call to at most 15 minutes, as we are busy working on projects. Thank you for your understanding. This button may not work with FireFox. You can also search for the user name xTalkProgrammer on Skype.
copyright © 2005-2012 by Economy-x-Talk, Nijmegen, the Netherlands - no rights can be derived from this website - economy-x-talk bears no responsibility for linking and linked websites - disclaimers apply at all times