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Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner, by experienced LiveCode programmer Mark Schonewille, guides you through all the stages from a beginning to an advanced programmer. The book first starts with very simple examples to make you familiar with the LiveCode programming language. When you finish the book, you will be able to write your own software and don't need to call yourself a beginner anymore.

The style of the book is simple and can be followed by all people of almost any age. A technical background is not required to understand it.
The book cover may look slightly different in print

The book is being prepared for printing and will be available as a real, physical book and not as an e-book. It is printed on 90 grammes offset paper and its size is A5 (148.5x210mm). The cover has a UV-resistant coating, which protects the colours against sunlight. The book counts 248 pages and 25 chapters and contains an index of 9 pages. It weights just over 300 grammes.*

Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner covers all major LiveCode features that you need to know about, such as responding to user input, text manipulation, making handlers with your own names, using variables, repeat loops, creating and manipulating files, printing, building an interface and controlling objects by script, creating menus, working with unicode, databases, networks, MySQL, XML and more.

You can download a sample of the book here . This sample contains the first 30 pages of the book, including the title page and the table of contents.

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