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ErrorLib for Revolution

It is a pleasure to announce that Economy-x-Talk is releasing a new library for Runtime Revolution 2.2 and later, called ErrorLib. ErrorLib gives you control of execution errors. Although ErrorLib is currently in beta stage, we don't expect any major problems. Nonetheless, if you need help or have any comments on errorLib, you can contact the support team.

With ErrorLib, you decide whether errors are reported and how they are reported. Password protected stacks no longer hamper bug reports from your clients and you will get all error information Revolution can possibly provide.

With errorLib, you have a simple light-weight set of scripts that you can include with your standalones and use in your IDE. The execution error dialog will no longer lock up your IDE if you use errorLib instead. You can easily parse error information and display the error, using either the built-in routines of errorLib or your own custom error dialog.

There are two different licenses for errorLib. The single user license (EUR 9) can be used with one Revolution IDE, while the site license (EUR 49) can be used if you have a multi-user license pack from Runtime Revolution Ltd. Both licenses allow inclusion of the library with your Revolution standalones. Unregistered copies of errorLib are fully functional during one hour after opening the stack.

Single User license
ErrorLib 1.0
Multi-User License

Download errorLib

ErrorLib requires Revolution 2.2 or later. You can download this compressed file, which contains the ErrorLib Revolution stack, documentation and license conditions. The file can be decompressed with the built-in unzip feature of Windows and Mac OS 10.4. Alternatively, you can download this StuffIt archive.

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