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Launcher X - The Classic Replacement for the OSX Dock

Remember the Mac OS Classic application Launcher? Launcher X is a replacement for everyone who still isn't used to the dock of Mac OS X —or for everyone who likes to have some fun with a Classic feature on Mac OS X. (Click the link at the bottom of this page to download).

If you don't know about Mac OS 9, you might want to know what Launcher X does. Just drag any file, application or folder into the Launcher X window and a link to the item is created. When you click once on the icon in Launcher X, the application, folder or file with open right-away.

Because Launcher X has the ability to create multiple groups of icons, you can store many more icons in Launcher X than in the dock of Mac OS X. Moreover, you can organise your groups the way you like. You're not forced to keep applications on the left and folders and files on the right, as with the OSX dock.


Drag any item from the Finder into the Launcher X window to add it to the current group.

Right-click on an icon to rename or remove it. You can also reveal the item in Finder.

Use the File menu to create new groups or to delete groups.

New in Launcher X

Launcher X 0b03 is compatible with Lion.


To use Launcher X, you need a Mac Intel with Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later (it might run on earlier versions of Mac OS X but we didn't test this and currently it is not clear if this version runs correctly on Lion).

Get it now

Launcher X was created with Livecode and is currently in beta stage. Launcher X is a free app.You can download it here .

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