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ExtUpload Library 0.0.2

This library allows standalones running on mobile devices to upload small files. When sockets are unavailable, FTP credentials are better not to be uncluded int he source code of your app, and if you don't want to use Dropbox or similar services, then this library provides a solution.

Upload the file index.php to your web server. Make sure to put it into its own directory, e.g. at Change the constant kUrl to the this URL. When you distribute your app, many directories and files will be created in the same directory as the file index.php.

After uploading the PHP file and changing the kUrl constant, you can click the Click Me button. A folder with one file should now be created. This could be a backup of the user preferences belonging to a mobile app, for instance.

I expect that this library will be able to upload files up to 10KB without any problems. Performance depends on the WIFI or G3/G4 connection, the processor and network card of the mobile device, your own web server and other factors.

Copy the handlers in the script of this stack to your own stack or add this stack to the stacksInUse or insert its script into the back(scripts). Read the stack script to see which commands and functions are currently available. Look at the scripts of the Click Me and Delete buttons to see how it works.

Future versions of this library are likely to be incompatible. You may have to change your scripts and move files to different locations on your web server after updating to a new version. It should also be noted that this version is quite crude. It doesn't provide a way to download data and even the file extension is wrong, but you should be able to figure out how to access data with a simple put url command. You can use the commands in the library to upload data and to delete the file. Make sure store the user ID lUserID in a preferences file on the device and ask the user to write it down and save it in a secure place.

That this library and the PHP-file are protected by copyright. After paying for access to the downloads on Economy-x-Talk's server, you can use this library in all your commercial projects and your stacks for personal use. You can't combine this library in open-source projects. Please, refer to the conditions and terms on our website.


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