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HS Extract

HS Extract is a tool for extracting text from HyperStudio stacks. If you use your HyperStudio stack as a database or of you have created a quizz wiith thousands of questions, for instance, and want to use the same text in a different project, you will have a hard time copying the text from all text boxes to a file. HS Extract does this for you.

Also included is a small application that decompresses HyperStudio stacks and gives you access to their folders and files.

This software requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later. It may also work with Mac OS X 10.3 and later, but this hasn't been tested. Perl must have been installed, which should be available by default.

This is a beta version of HS Extract. Make sure to have a complete back-up of your entire computer system. Files may get deleted inadvertantly during test stage.

Please read the license conditions included in the Read Me file.

You are kindly requested to make a donation if you find this software useful. Please go here and show your appreciation.

You can download the software here . Just double-click the zip file on your Mac to decompress it. A folder with the name "HS Extract" will appear next to the zip file. The folder contains the software.

The software is still in beta stage. If you encounter any problems, please let us know using this contact form . You may also contact us by e-mail; contact information is in the Read Me file.

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