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LiveCode (Revolution) Launcher

The official name of this little application is Revolution Launcher, named after the original name of LiveCode, but people will often refer to it as the LiveCode launcher. Both names are fine.

What is it?

Revolution Launcher creates as many instances of Revolution or LiveCode in memory as you like, without the need for additional installations.
Sometimes, you want to open mutliple stacks in their own IDE's, because the stacks might interfere and you don't want that or because you are working on a project in one IDE and want to do a test in another IDE. Until now, you had to install Revolution or LiveCode as many times as the number of IDE's you wanted to run. From now on, you need to install Revolution/LiveCode only once and still run multiple copies of it.


This package contains an application and a stack. Put the application into your Applications folder, next to your LiveCode or Revolution software. Put the stack into LiveCode's Plugins folder.

Start LiveCode and find the Revolution Launcher in your Plugins submenu (in the Development menu). Click the Choose button and select the version of Revolution or LiveCode that you want to start by default.

Drag the application into the dock. From now on, another instance of Revolution or LiveCode will start whenever you start the Launcher.

You can always change your default choice by opening the plugin again and choosing a different version of Revolution or LiveCode.

It also works with MetaCard.

LiveCode/Revolution launcher works on Mac OS X only.


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