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You need to log in to download free LiveCode and other programming-related goodies. If you don't have an account yet, use the form below to register.

Terms and Conditions

Not all downloads require registration! If the download link appears on our website without a request to log in, you can safely assume that you don't need to register*. By paying for access to downloads, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

You will receive access to all sheltered Economy-x-Talk downloads that are available on Economy-x-Talk's server. You are allowed to use the software for your own projects and may distribute it as part of your own software if applicable. While you won't own the software, you do obtain a right to use it.

Your contribution allows you to download the current collection of the software. Access is granted for long enough a period to allow you to acquire all downloads. There is no pre-determined length of the period during which access is granted. A contribution does not automatically give access to all downloads that may become available in the future. Neither will all future downloads be made available through the sheltered part of Economy-x-Talk's website. Your contribution may not give access to some downloads while licenses may require additional payment. After your account expires, but hasn't been cancelled, you are entitled to keep a copy of any materials already downloaded from our website.

After completion and approval of the transaction by Economy-x-Talk and PayPal, Economy-x-Talk will send you your login details by e-mail. You bear the responsibility for possible voidance of your registration by entering a faulty e-mail address, by using a PayPal account with a faulty e-mail address, by having spam filters in place that prevent the e-mail from arriving or by otherwise being unable to receive the e-mail.

You may not give access to these downloads to third parties, including but not limited to developers, colleagues and friends in your own team, company or family. You cannot re-distribute the software in any way that may give third parties free access to the software. Any re-distribution of the software must be done in a way that protects software from being accessed by third parties. You are not allowed to reveal your login password and any license codes, keys and additional passwords available from this website to third parties.

If you use any of the sources provided by Economy-x-Talk in your own commercial or non-commercial products, then you need to include the following text in your product or in the documentation of your product, in a location where the user of your product is bound to see this text: "Parts of this product copyright © 2011 by Economy-x-Talk, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. More information is available at"

Besides aforementioned rights and limitations, any license conditions included with software still apply and may overrule aformentioned rights and limitations if any conflict exists; also our general terms and conditions available elsewhere on the website apply but don't overrule above conditions and limitations nor license conditions included with software.

If you violate this agreement, you will lose any rights to access, posess and use our software, you are no longer allowed to sell products that include our software, you will get no refund and you will compensate any financial damage, including but not limited to foregone earnings, done to Economy-x-Talk. Economy-x-Talk may cancel your account at any time without notification. The decision to do so is the sole responsibility of Economy-x-Talk.

Economy-x-Talk may change the terms and conditions at any time without notification. Changes are effective immediately and render all previous versions of the conditions and terms obsolete.

*) This doesn't apply to deliberate attempts to circumvent registration and login.
Choose your contribution...

Please, choose how much you would like to contribute and press the Pay button. By paying, you agree to the terms and conditions on this page. After completing the transaction, Economy-x-Talk will send you an e-mail with your login details.

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copyright © 2005-2012 by Economy-x-Talk, Nijmegen, the Netherlands - no rights can be derived from this website - economy-x-talk bears no responsibility for linking and linked websites - disclaimers apply at all times