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A simple clock for LiveCode

Clock 1.0.3

This is a very simple clock. It was made for a clock watching game for children and language students. It was made specifically for the game, which means that you may want to make some changes before implementing it in your own project.

To use the clock, select it and copy it to your own stack. Use a script or the message box to change the size of the project:
set the rect of grp "Clock" to 20,20,220,220
Don't resize the group manually.

The script of this card contains an example of auto-updating the clock.

Use the extClockNumbers propety to change the appearance of the numbers:
set the extClockNumbers of grp "Clock" to "Roman",8
set the extClockNumbers of grp "Clock" to "Arabic",10
put the extClockNumbers of grp "Clock" into myVar

The extTime propety sets the time of the clock.
set the extTime of grp "Clock" to "10:14"
set the extTime of grp "Clock" to "13:54"
set the extTime of grp "Clock" to word 1 of the short time
put the extTime of grp "Clock" into fld "Short Time"

You can change the color of the hands and the numbers with the extTextColor property:
set the extTextColor of grp "Clock" to white
put the extTextColor of grp "Clock" into myColor

The extBackColor property changes the background color of the clock:
set the extBackColor of grp "Clock" to "0,0,160"
put the extBackColor of grp "Clock" into myColor

Use the extShowShadow to show and hide the shadow of the hands:
set the extShowShadow of grp "Clock" to true
put the extShowShadwo of grp "Clock" into myShadowVisible

For Dutch people: the extTextTime returns the time in Dutch text.
put the extTextTime into myTime
--> for example: 9 minuten voor half 12

Please note that you're only eligible to use this clock if you made a donation to Economy-x-Talk and downloaded this clock directly from the Economy-x-Talk website. You can find the full license conditions here.

Important: this stack needs to be saved as file format 2.7 or later.


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