Color Converter is one of Economy-x-Talk’s most popular products. Use this programme to choose a colour from several commonly used colour spaces or enter a colour value and convert it to any of the other available colour spaces. Available colour spaces are RGB, H.Lab, Hex/HTML, HSV, RAL, XYZ and Unix colour names. A value for brightness is also given. Additionally, Color Converter resizes pictures and converts file formats (GIF, JPG and PNG).
Economy-x-Talk is now giving away a total value of ยข400/$500 in Color Converter licenses. All you need to do is go to the Facebook page at and click on the Like button. There’s nothing easier than that and you get a completely free license in return!
As soon as 50 people like Economy-x-Talk on Facebook, we will send out the licenses. Please, come back to the Economy-x-Talk page regularly, because that’s where you will be able to read how to obtain your license key for Color Converter. Be quick, because there are only 11 more licenses left to give away!