Monthly Archives: March 2013

Nederlands LiveCode Forum – Dutch LiveCode Forum


Na de problemen met de server afgelopen januari, is het Nederlandse forum verloren gegaan. Door bijkomende omstandigheden heeft het even geduurd voor ik het forum weer kon installeren.

Bij deze wil ik je laten weten dat het forum opnieuw is geïnstalleerd. Helaas zijn alle berichten verloren gegaan en ik zal niet proberen de berichten terug te zetten, omdat mij dat veel teveel tijd zou kosten. Excuus voor het ongemak.

Je kunt het Nederlande forum bezoeken op Als je nog vragen hebt, kun je daarvoor het contactformulier op de Nederlandse website gebruiken.



After the problems with my server last January, I lost the Dutch forum. Due to additional circumstances, it took a while before the forum could be re-installed.

This is to let you know that the forum has been re-installed. Unfortunately, all messages are lost and I don’t intend to try to restore the messages, because that would take me way too much time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

You can visit the Dutch LiveCode forum at If you have any questions, you can use the contact form on Economy-x-Talk’s website.

On a side-note: I’ll be organising a user group meeting in the Netherlands soon.

Free web hosting!

Economy-x-Talk is giving away 5 free web hosting accounts. In January, we hired a larger, faster server and we have quite a few additional web hosting accounts available now. So, why not give away a few for free? Your account will be available for free between 1 April 2013 and 1 April 2014 (this is no joke). Each account comes with all common features, such as PHP, FTP, POP and IMAP e-mail, forums and CMS’s ready for installation, spam filters, MySQL databases, PHPMyAdmin, etc., etc., etc. You will have 1 GB of disk space on your account and at most 10GB bandwidth.

If you’re currently looking for a web hosting solution, follow us on Facebook or Twitter and contact us before 1 April 2013. There is a contact form on our website.  You can find our Facebook page at and our Twitter account at Make sure to include your Facebook or Twitter user name (rather than a link) in your request. Because we expect a big response, we will really just answer the first 5 requests. If you don’t get a reply, then we’re very sorry: it means that someone else must have been quicker.

(You can do with your account pretty much whatever you like, except for spamming people, providing adult or illegal content and hosting websites of third parties. You will receive an invoice for 11 euro on 1 April 2014 and you can choose not to pay after which your account may be discontinued. Any decision regarding the admissibility of any content is completely Economy-x-Talk’s to make. We reserve the right to refuse requests without disclosing the reason. Any requests made on or after 1 April 2013 are ignored.)

Installer Maker Plug-in and Open-Source

kickstarterNow that the open-source initiative for LiveCode has been successful, it is time to make clear where we stand. Economy-x-Talk has quite a few products for LiveCode developers, who might include these products in their own projects. Installer Maker is evidently distributed together with other projects. Would there be any conflicts between closed and open-source license conditions, if Installer Maker is used to distribute open-source products? Not from our point of view, but there are a few issues you might want to keep in mind.

The Installer Maker license isn’t necessarily in contradiction with relatively flexible open source licenses. As long as you consider the installer as a way to distribute your software rather than as a part of your software, you can use Installer Maker for your open-source project. Only very strict open-source licenses might prohibit this.

Most discussions about whether it is allowed to combine open-source and closed-source software in one project boils down to the question whether the software is linked dynamically or statically. First of all, one might argue that Installer Maker and the open-source software it is supposed to install aren’t linked at all, because there is no functional relationship between the two.

Second, any linkage would be dynamical, because to embed a project in Installer Maker, neither Installer Maker nor the open-source project needs to be modified. (Statically linked software needs to be modified before it is compiled, because the programming code contains calls to the “other” software and these calls combine the two projects into one big new open-source project, which doesn’t happen in the case of Installer Maker).

Because the Installer Maker plugin is protected by a password, you can’t use the plugin in the open-source version of LiveCode. The OS version of LiveCode doesn’t include the password routine necessary to open password-protected stacks. You need to use the standalone version of Installer Maker instead.

Therefore, you may assume that you can safely use the standalone version of Installer Maker with most open-source projects, particularly with the open-source version of LiveCode. In case of any doubts, please consult with a legal expert.

You can find the standalone version of Installer Maker at .