Monthly Archives: April 2015

Answering a few questions about the LiveCode book

A few people have asked me whether my book is still relevant, now that LiveCode 7 handles text differently and LiveCode 8 will provide a number of significant new features. The book is mainly about the scripting language. More than 99% of the LiveCode language has continued to work from Revolution 3.5 till LiveCode 8. Probably, more than 99.9% of the language as discussed in my book, still works in LiveCode 8 (and probably future versions too).

Currently, I have no plans to rewrite the book. If I ever do so, I would probably focus on the new properties inspector and new text features, not so much on widgets and html5. This way, the book will serve its purpose best: an introduction to LiveCode for real beginners.

I have also been asked if I’m going to write more books about LiveCode. Probably I will. One book is making good progress and will be available in a few months; hopefully before the end of summer, but only when I’m satisfied about it.

The question I get most frequently is about publishing an e-book. It has to be said again: Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner will not be published as an e-book. I might decide to publish an e-book some time, but it won’t be this book.

If you have any more questions, please read this blog post It answers almost all questions. You can also send an e-mail to

Cover of Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

Cover of Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

Installer Maker 1.8.8 is now available

Economy-x-Talk released Installer Maker 1.8.8 today. This is a maintenance release, which accepts recently issued license keys. We have also removed a spurious error message from the Uninstaller. This update is free for everyone who bought a license after 1 November 2014. This is an update for OSX and Windows. Let me know if you have an urgent need for a Linux version.

You can download the Installer Maker plug-in for LiveCode (commercial version) at

The standalone version of Installer Maker can be found at

Installer Maker Scripts Pane

Installer Maker Scripts Pane

“Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner” is available again

The book “Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner” is available again. The past few months, Economy-x-Talk could hardly keep up with the orders and we ran out of stock, but we are catching up now.

“Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner” introduces you to the LiveCode programming language. The book starts with commands, functions and features that everyone needs to know about. The second half discusses subjects like Unicode, network communications, databases and XML. After reading this book, you’ll know everything you need to make your own applications.

You can buy this book at

More general information is available at

A portal for the book is at

Cover of Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

Cover of Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner

We know a number of people have bought the book and are still waiting to receive it. We can assure you now, it will arrive soon.

If you have been thinking about ordering the book but haven’t done so yet: this is the time to order, since your book will be delivered shortly too.

Currently, we’re printing more copies. We will have many books in stock soon and for the next few months, we’ll be able to ship book really quickly.